Kickstarter Pre-Launch Page Now Up!

Hello Fellow Villainesses and Villains! 

This is Tanya and Emily, the developers of Save the Villainess. We are thrilled to share an exciting piece of news with you…

We have decided to create a Kickstarter campaign to support Save the Villainess – sign up to our pre-campaign page here!

You can see our Kickstarter pre-campaign trailer below, if you don’t mind a glimpse of something special we have been hiding so far…

Our Kickstarter campaign will launch soon along with new goodies. Beyond a revamped demo, we’ll offer several new ways to visit and learn more about Carcosa, the country where Save the Villainess takes place. 

Who knows what secrets, suspects, and even potential lovers you might meet along the way… 

We thought a lot about how to create the game we want to share with you, especially after the amazing support you have given our beta demo. We decided that Kickstarter is the way to help us create the best version of Save the Villainess possible. With your support, we can pay for new characters and settings to stage even more villainess-related shenanigans. We will be sharing more details on this as we work towards our public demo and the start of our campaign.

Thank you again and please sign up to our Kickstarter pre-campaign page. We appreciate your support!


🦋Kickstarter Pre-Campaign

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